Raising Public Awareness on EU Enlargement
A Multi-Level Approach
Jan 19, 2023
GPRG EU Program is thrilled to share the release of our second paper: Raising Public Awareness on EU Enlargement : A Multilevel Approach
The enlargement process of the European Union is central to mapping out the future of the European project. At the same time, the topic of enlargement is not a salient issue among the European public, and a generally low public awareness of EU enlargement policy envelops the EU27 countries. The Commission has acknowledged the issue, adopting a support program to raise public awareness on EU enlargement and neighborhood policies in October of 2021. The program outlines communication- and education-oriented activities to be carried out by the EU communication service. However, EU member states also carry the joint responsibility of informing the public on EU issues. To facilitate debate on EU enlargement policy, and to ensure that the European people are aware and adequately informed of the process, there is a need for action in member states: on the national, regional and local levels.
You can find the full version of the paper above.